Maak kennis met de nieuwe Saab 9-5 Estate, de breakvariant van de berline die al enkele maanden over onze wegen rijdt. Op het programma staat een grote en handige koffer. Alleen de blauwe en gele kleuren ontbreken.
What my street Jesus was really Christ? Doubtful, but just how can any person be so sure? Who will authenticate? No one could the first time around apparently, until it was to late, and we see where that got us. ...
Sixty years before Edwards wrote these words, Bunyan had described the Valley of Humiliation as rich and green: 'I have known many labouring men that have got good bestates/b in this Valley of Humiliation (for "God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace to the humble") ... And in Matthew 7, bJesus/b spoke of the need to examine ourselves when he wrote of the tendency to judge others hypocritically, trying to take the speck out of another's eye while leaving the plank in our own. ...